ARES – Automatic Resistivity System
2000 Vp-p – 5 A – 850 W transmitter Single-channel receiver 2D/3D resistivity & IP tomography VES, RP, SP measurements Up to 10 adjustable IP windows Easy-control system Active multi-electrode cables Passive cables with switch box Roll-along possibility Applications: Groundwater explorations, geotechnical investigations, monitoring of dams and dikes, environmental studies, pollution plumes mapping, geological surveys, mineral prospecting, archaeology, detecting of cavities, underwater, marine, borehole and cross-hole measurements. ARES represents a well equipped resistivity and IP imaging system. Its variability, easy field operation (without PC), feeding from a standard 12 V battery or from a generator, rich support of standard and special electrode arrays and compatibility with widespread interpretation software makes ARES a cost effective and useful tool for working groups and research teams. Standard accessories:
Optional accessories:
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